The Apt End
I wish I wasn't such an asshole to so many people. But facts have told me there is no one to rely upon, no one to trust, and no one's time to entertain.I have therefore taken it upon myself to disconnect with the majority of people I used to connect with. I'm sick of them. I'm sick of trying to ambassador some asshole to a good time. No one ever does it for me. Gee, I wonder why. Answer: I'm an asshole. So, since I've ruined so much, I might as well ruin the rest that I can affect. Goodbye.
Last Five Entries:
The Apt End - 2006-08-29 Elegy - 2006-07-13 Worth-it Stasis - 2006-06-27 Headlights - 2006-06-14 Goes - 2006-06-09